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Case Report: Laser-Assisted Gum Depigmentation for Removal of Blackish Gum Pigment

Patient Information:

  • Name: Confidential
  • Age: 32 years
  • Gender: Female
  • Chief Complaint: Dark pigmentation on gums, seeking aesthetic improvement.

Clinical Examination:

The patient presented with significant blackish pigmentation on the gingiva, particularly noticeable in the upper anterior region. The pigmentation was non-pathological but caused the patient significant aesthetic concerns, affecting her confidence in smiling.

After a thorough examination, the patient was diagnosed with melanin hyperpigmentation of the gums. This condition is common among individuals with darker skin tones and is usually due to an excess of melanin production in the gingival tissue. The pigmentation was localized and classified as moderate based on its intensity and spread.

Treatment Plan:
Dr. Pulkit Jhingan, an expert in laser dentistry and pediatric care, recommended a laser-assisted gum depigmentation procedure. The treatment goal was to remove the excess melanin pigment, resulting in a more uniform and aesthetically pleasing gum appearance.


  1. Anesthesia: Local anesthesia was administered to ensure patient comfort during the procedure.
  2. Laser Selection: A diode laser was selected for its precision and effectiveness in targeting pigmented tissues without damaging the surrounding healthy gingiva.
  3. Depigmentation Process: The laser was used to carefully ablate the superficial layers of the gingiva containing the melanin pigment. The procedure was performed in a systematic manner, ensuring even coverage of the pigmented areas.
  4. Immediate Results: Post-procedure, the treated areas appeared lighter, with the black pigmentation significantly reduced. The patient was advised on postoperative care, including maintaining oral hygiene and avoiding certain foods and habits that could delay healing.

Postoperative Care:

  • Pain Management: The patient was prescribed mild analgesics to manage any discomfort.
  • Oral Hygiene: Specific instructions were given to maintain oral hygiene, including the use of a soft-bristled toothbrush and antiseptic mouthwash.
  • Follow-up: A follow-up appointment was scheduled two weeks post-procedure to assess healing and determine the need for any touch-ups.

At the two-week follow-up, the patient exhibited excellent healing with minimal postoperative discomfort. The gingiva appeared uniformly pink, with a natural aesthetic improvement. The patient expressed high satisfaction with the results, noting a significant boost in her confidence.

Laser-assisted gum depigmentation is an effective and minimally invasive procedure for patients seeking aesthetic improvement of hyperpigmented gingiva. Under the expert care of Dr. Pulkit Jhingan, this case exemplifies the successful application of advanced laser technology in enhancing oral aesthetics.

Author: Dr. Pulkit Jhingan, MDS, MLD, MBA, MPM
Specialist Laser and Pediatric Dentist

Topazdent Dental Care
Where Smiles are Transformed with Precision and Care

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